The Marine Life Most Effected By Ocean Pollution

The Marine Life Most Effected By Ocean Pollution

Plastic products dominate the world’s market and have made themselves an essential part of everyday life. Not only is it durable and lightweight, but it’s also convenient and cheap to produce. Despite its uses, the same things that make plastic invaluable to humans...
How Do Micromagnets Destroy Ocean Plastic

How Do Micromagnets Destroy Ocean Plastic

Resource pollution is a global environmental issue that is affecting numerous resources, including water, air, and soil. Oceanic pollution is a significant concern as statistics show that about eight million pieces of plastic find their way into our oceans every day....
How You Can Help Reduce Ocean Plastic Pollution

How You Can Help Reduce Ocean Plastic Pollution

Ocean pollution is at an all-time high not only in the United States, but around the world as well. Between 4 to 12 million tons of waste enter the ocean every year. Considering how much waste is already in the ocean and adding that amount more over the next 15 years,...
How Plastic is Destroying The Ocean

How Plastic is Destroying The Ocean

One of the most consumed commodities of today’s society has become plastic. Whether it be single-use plastic or reusable plastic, the environmental impact is substantial and devastating not only to marine wildlife but to the world’s life as well. More than 800 species...